Who lives where?
A man lives in a house.
The horse lives in the stable.
The bird lives in the nest.
Tigers live in bods.
Sheep-goats live in a paddock.
A lion lives in a cave.
The snake lives in Rafda.
A monkey lives on a tree.
Rats live in the rate.
A spider lives in a web.
Fish live in water.
A cow lives in a manger.
The ant lives in the rate.
A bee lives in a hive.
how to speak
The tiger roars.
The cuckoo coo coo coo.
The lion roars.
Kabal kalbal kalbal.
The horse is neighing.
The donkey brays.
The camel bleats.
A cow goes blind.
The child sleeps.
The pigeon cooes.
The sparrow chirps.
Peacocks tehook tehook.
The crow caws.
The parrot does Sitaram.
The goat does two by two.
A mosquito hums.
A rooster crows.
A fly buzzes.
The monkey makes a whoop.
The mouse licks.
The dog how how.
The cat meows meow.
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