Rabbits and frogs
Rabbit is the most jumpy among the animals living in the forest. Even if the leaves of the tree rustle, it is so timid that any animal can crush it.
Once the forest rabbits got tired of their situation. It occurred to him, “No creature in this world has any importance of its own. What is the meaning of living such a life? Better to die than that."
All the rabbits gathered. He decided that rather than live such a cruel life, they should all drown together in the lake. Thus we are all living but dead!
Thinking like this, all the rabbits rushed to the pond together to drown. At that time many frogs came out of the lake and sat on the shore. He saw the rabbits running from his school in front. The frogs panicked at such a surprise attack by so many rabbits and shouted "Snort! Dead, go away!" Saying that, the water of the lake poured together.
The rabbits were very surprised to see the frogs running around. It occurred to him, “We are not the only ones who are afraid in the forest. There are also creatures in this world who are afraid of us! He felt for the first time in his life that we are also something, so why die?"
Thus, the thinking rabbits stood there. He refused to die. There are beings in the world bigger and smaller than us.
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