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Tiger with a gold necklace

  Tiger with a gold necklace A tiger lived in a forest. It was worn out. So now he could not run and hunt. There was a lake in this forest. . The tiger used to hide in the bush near this lake. If a passer-by came there to drink water, he would kill him. But now he was so exhausted that he could not run after any prey at all. One day he found a gold necklace from somewhere. He knew that the man loved the gold necklace Once a poor Brahmin came out from the path near the lake. He came to the bank of the lake to drink water. At that time the tiger stood in the water of the lake and said to the Brahmin, "Maharaj, Jai Jai." When the Brahmin saw the tiger, he trembled with fear. But there the tiger said, "Maharaj do not be afraid of me. I am calling you because I want to give you this gold necklace. So I want to do this good deed with my hands. This gold necklace is of no use to me. The poor Brahmin was tempted by the gold necklace. He fearfully went a little further into the w...

Who lives where, who speak what

 Who lives where? A man lives in a house. The horse lives in the stable. The bird lives in the nest. Tigers live in bods. Sheep-goats live in a paddock. A lion lives in a cave. The snake lives in Rafda. A monkey lives on a tree. Rats live in the rate. A spider lives in a web. Fish live in water. A cow lives in a manger. The ant lives in the rate. A bee lives in a hive. how to speak The tiger roars. The cuckoo coo coo coo. The lion roars. Kabal kalbal kalbal. The horse is neighing. The donkey brays. The camel bleats. A cow goes blind. The child sleeps. The pigeon cooes. The sparrow chirps. Peacocks tehook tehook. The crow caws. The parrot does Sitaram. The goat does two by two. A mosquito hums. A rooster crows. A fly buzzes. The monkey makes a whoop. The mouse licks. The dog how how. The cat meows meow.
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What calling it is?

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Clever crow

  Clever crow   It was a summer day. At that time a crow was flying. He was very thirsty. So he was flying in search of water. But no water was visible. A short distance away was a hut. There was a paddock near the hut. A well was lying in the yard. Crow's eyes fell on that well. It happened to him: Bring it and look in the well. There may be water in the well. Flying, he came to Kuja. He saw some water in the well. He put his beak in the well to drink water. But the beak did not reach the water. He buried his head in the well. Even its beak did not reach the water. There was water in the well, but it was very deep. The crow was confused. What to do now? A short distance away he saw a heap of pebbles. "Let's put the pebbles in the bowl. The pebbles will go to the bottom of the well.” He flew over the cliff. He went to that heap of pebbles. One of them brought a pebble in its beak. He threw it into the well. Thus again and again he brought pebbles. Again and again he threw ...

The Lion and the Mouse

  The Lion and the Mouse There was a big forest. A lion lived in it. One afternoon the lion was sleeping peacefully in his cave. At that time, a mouse jumped up there. He climbed on the lion's body and started running around. The lion was disturbed in his sleep. He awoke and enraged seized the mouse in his claws. Singh shouted, “Alya, you have this courage? Do you disturb my sleep by climbing on my body when all the animals take leave even before approaching the king of the forest? Now your death has come." The mouse got scared. He said to Kargari, “Sir, I am a small creature. Give me life. The lion laughed hearing the mouse. He said, “What revenge did you have to give me? But well, I'll let you go. Never make such a mistake again." One day the lion got caught in a trap set by hunters. Although he tried to get rid of it, he could not get rid of it. He started roaring. The rat heard those roars. Immediately he ran to that lion. He saw the lion caught in a trap. He said...

Rabbits and frogs

  Rabbits and frogs Rabbit is the most jumpy among the animals living in the forest. Even if the leaves of the tree rustle, it is so timid that any animal can crush it. Once the forest rabbits got tired of their situation. It occurred to him, “No creature in this world has any importance of its own. What is the meaning of living such a life? Better to die than that." All the rabbits gathered. He decided that rather than live such a cruel life, they should all drown together in the lake. Thus we are all living but dead! Thinking like this, all the rabbits rushed to the pond together to drown. At that time many frogs came out of the lake and sat on the shore. He saw the rabbits running from his school in front. The frogs panicked at such a surprise attack by so many rabbits and shouted "Snort! Dead, go away!" Saying that, the water of the lake poured together. The rabbits were very surprised to see the frogs running around. It occurred to him, “We are not the only ones who...

Lion, Donkey and Rooster

  Lion, Donkey and Rooster A lion lived in a forest. One day he found no prey in the forest. So that Naik came to the village at night. There was a donkey in the potter's yard at the end of the village. The lion's eyes fell on him. The lion was slowly moving towards the donkey where the donkey's gaze went to the lion. As soon as he saw the lion, he started trembling with fear. The lion came very close to the donkey at the same time the early dawn crowed. The lion stopped. It occurred to him, “This rooster has spoiled the whole game. Now the sleeping keepers will wake up.” He went back to kill the donkey. The donkey was unintelligent. He assumed that the lion had turned away in fear of me! So he got excited and fell behind the lion to show his bravery. The lion pretended to be afraid and let the donkey follow. After saying that, the forest came and he turned his face and stood there. Then, with a single leap, the donkey fell to the ground. The donkey in the mouth of death re...

Lion, Donkey and Rooster

  Lion, Donkey and Rooster A lion lived in a forest. One day he found no prey in the forest. So that Naik came to the village at night. There was a donkey in the potter's yard at the end of the village. The lion's eyes fell on him. As the lion slowly moved towards the donkey, the donkey's gaze went to the lion. As soon as he saw the lion, he started trembling with fear. The lion came very close to the donkey at the same time the early dawn crowed. The lion stopped. It occurred to him, “This rooster has spoiled the whole game. Now the sleeping keepers will wake up.” He went back to kill the donkey. The donkey was unintelligent. He assumed that the lion had turned away in fear of me! So he got excited and fell behind the lion to show his bravery. The lion pretended to be afraid and let the donkey follow. After saying that, the forest came and he turned his face and stood there. Then, with a single leap, the donkey fell to the ground. The donkey in the mouth of death realized ...